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关于篮球的英语作文,有如下几点 1.篮球的历史有一百多年,现在全世界有200多个国家的一亿多人打篮球

历史篮球 这个。 近代篮球是加拿大人奈斯密斯于1891年在美国马萨诸塞参加篮球比赛的人数开始并不固定,通常是每队7人或9人,有时则多达50人。
不是吧高难度哦全英文的? 要多少字的?
On your own
关于篮球的英语作文,有如下几点 1.篮球的历史有一百多年,现在全世界有200多个国家的一亿多人打篮球

我喜欢篮球英语作文50词 急~~

我喜欢篮球英语作文50词范文: My Favorite Sport (basketball)I like sports verymuch. Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites. But I likeplaying basketball most, because I think playing basketball is very cool andinteresting. I often play basketball with my classmates. We are a good team. Playingbasketball is a good way to make friends. After all, we have common interests.Besides, I can build my body by playing basketball.学习一些关于我喜欢篮球50词的英语作文对于学英语是有一些帮助的,但是想要英语学的更好,建议你可以学习在线外教培训班提高英语水平,这个价格不贵,一节课不超过20元,或者先领取免费试听课看看外教是怎样上课的。免费试听课地址:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取欧美真人外教一对一免费试听课!阿卡索是欧美外教一对一授课的,而且都是欧美师资,欧美师资的发音是很标准的,外教都持有tesol(国际英语教师资格证书),阿卡索课程收费课均不到20,性价比超高。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。
我最喜欢的运动(篮球) My Favorite Sport (basketball) I like sports verymuch. Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites. But I likeplaying basketball most, because I think playing basketball is very cool andinteresting. I often play basketball with my classmates. We are a good team. Playingbasketball is a good way to make friends. After all, we have common interests.Besides, I can build my body by playing basketball.我很喜欢运动, 我最喜欢的运动(篮球 My Favorite Sport basketball英语作文。足球,篮球,跑步和游泳是我的爱好。但是,我最喜欢的是篮球,因为我觉得打篮球很酷也很有意思。我经常和我同学一起打篮球。我们是一个很好的团队。打篮球是一个交友的好方法,毕竟我们有共同的兴趣。除此之外,打篮球还是我能够锻炼身体。
I like sports verymuch. Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites. But I likeplaying basketball most, because I think playing basketball is very cool andinteresting. I often play basketball with my classmates. We are a good team. Playingbasketball is a good way to make friends. After all, we have common interests.Besides, I can build my body by playing basketball.
I like play basketball,i play basketball every morning, with five friend。But three ago, i hurt my foot, So i can not play Basketball next 1 week,Because i must cure my foot first.
gjtpjmwtwmjumag.adatpwma.mtudagumdbg.kunjav.juwmeajux jmjtemjtwmjtkalnfa.gkuwmdbgkdagtjmdajtnlmj_dmjtjmb.gptltpjmmtxdtwjgmatnkmlnjtmaknjptkajtjmjtwmjumajptneajuwmeajuphbktwneaktpgbjtwmdytjaemxtjadmjtj.adjunjtwmdmxtjnujanvjdmukmjtkmwvjm 我也不知道自己写的是什么意思
我喜欢篮球英语作文50词 急~~


I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our health.As for me,I like playing basketball.You know,piaying basketball is good for our heart,lungs,head and so on.I aiways piay basketball in the morning and in the evening.Of course,'where there is a will,there is a way',Not only my teachers but also my classmates are all pleasant with me.On the other hand,I am in good health.Because of that,I like basketball better than before.You also can see,when I am angry,I will piay basketball,then,I may be happy. I like playing basketball,what is your favorite sport?翻译众所周知,我喜欢打篮球,做运动对我们的健康有好处。至于我,我喜欢打篮球。你知道,打篮球对我们的心、肺、头等都有好处。我总是在早上和晚上打篮球。当然,“有志者事竟成”,不仅我的老师,而且我的同学都对我很好。另一方面,我身体很好。正因为如此,我比以前更喜欢篮球。你也可以看到,当我生气时,我会打篮球,然后,我可能会高兴。我喜欢打篮球,你最喜欢的运动是什么?
My hobby is basketsball play. Everytime I went across the courtnear my community,a strong feeling,with eager,with desire,raised up.Ifound it's really an uncompetible and awesome sports I have everexperienced,the moment I was shooting.assisting,and rebounding,I wouldfind the blessing happiness in it.I admit,that's a little bitcrazy,while the same reason I'm fond in it.Like playing,also watchingNBA games,Kobe Bryant(你可以自己写)is my favorite super star player,my onlyidol.I should practice day and night to reach his height,though aday-dream. That's me,a fantastic basketsball fans,and I will keep it forever.


篮球运动起源于美国,是奥运会核心比赛项目,是以手为中心的对抗性体育运动。如今已成为风靡全球的一项体育运动。下面我为大家带来篮球运动英语介绍,欢迎大家阅读!篮球运动英语介绍The world's greatest sport ever. But of course, it hasn't been around since the world began. No, somebody had to have invented it. And that somebody would be James Naismith.Born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, this Canadian Gym Teacher and Physician would soon be the founder of basketball. It all started in December of 1891. Naismith was teaching in Springfield, Massachusetts and was asked by Luther H. Gulick, the Headmaster of the school for Christian Works to make a new sport. The main idea of the sport was mainly to be played inside when it was too cold to go outside. The new sport also had to keep athletes in their top conditions between the baseball and football season. Naismith began to work. The first game-ball was a soccer ball.The first baskets were peach baskets that Naismith cleverly thought of hanging on the wall. From there, the legacy of basketball began. Originally, there was 9 men to each team, but the objective was still the same; to pass the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the opposing team's net, or basket back then. From there, basketball caught on like a wildfire.During 1885 highschools and colleges began to adopt the game, and by 1898, the first Pro. League was founded. After the first game played, Naismith drafted 13 rules and regulations, but many more were yet to come. The hoops we know today were invented in 1906. They were steel, with a net hanging from its rim.篮球运动英语介绍翻译篮球被誉为世界上最伟大的运动之一。篮球的发明者是James Naismith。1891年,James Naismith在马塞诸塞当体育老师的时候,校长让他为____想出一种运动,这种运动一定要在室内进行,运动员在比赛时还要有棒球和足球比赛时的激情。经过思考,他想出了一个办法:在墙上挂网子,然后把球扔向这个用网子做的篮子里,篮球运动由此而生。最初,参加篮球比赛的每个队伍有9个队员,比赛规则是:球员把球传给本队队员,然后将球投向对方的筐子里。直到1898年,第一支专业篮球队成立。篮球规则介绍篮球比赛中的规则较多,且相当复杂,共有93条。1.3秒钟规则:某队控制球时,同队队员在对方禁区内停留不得超过3秒钟。在比赛过程中或控球后在界外掷界外球的情况下,只要同方队员在对方禁区内停留超过3秒钟,裁判员会立即鸣哨,判罚3秒违例。2.5秒钟规则:当一个持球队员被严密防守,在5 秒钟内没有传球、投球、滚球或运球时,也将宣判违例。过去5秒违例判争球,现在则由对方队员就近掷界外球。3.8秒钟规则:一个队从后场控制球开始,必须在8秒钟内将球推进到前场,否则判8秒钟违例,由对方掷界外球。4.24秒钟规则:一个队在场上控制球后,必须在24秒钟内出手投篮,否则判24秒违例。过去如在24秒钟内球被对方击出界外后将重新计算24秒,现在则从边线掷界外球后不再重新计算24秒,而是在24秒钟中的剩余时间内必须出手投篮,否则仍被判为24秒违例,判由对方掷界外球。5.全队7次犯规规则和一加一罚球规则:比赛每半时,一个队的队员侵人犯规和技术犯规次数累计已达7次,此后这个队的任何一个队员再发生侵人犯规或技术犯规,均将执行一加一罚球规则,判给被侵犯的对方队员罚球一次,如罚球成功,由这个队员再追加罚球一次;如第一次罚球不中,比赛应继续进行,不再给予追加罚球的机会。如罚球者罚出的球未触及篮圈,则判为违例,由对方在边线掷界外球。篮球运动英语介绍附翻译相关文章:1. 有关运动英语对话带翻译2. 英语自我介绍范文带翻译3. 关于初一的英语自我介绍 带翻译4. 初中英语自我介绍 带翻译5. 我最喜欢的运动英语作文带翻译4篇


作文如下:I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our health.As for me,I like playing basketball. You know,piaying basketball is good for our heart,lungs,head and so on.众所周知,我喜欢打篮球,做运动对我们的健康有好处。至于我,我喜欢打篮球。你知道,打篮球对我们的心脏、肺、头部等都有好处。I aiways piay basketball in the morning and in the evening.Of course,''where there is a will,there is a way'',Not only my teachers but also my classmates are all pleasant with me.On the other hand,I am in good health.我总是在早上和晚上打篮球。当然,“有志者事竟成”,不仅我的老师,而且我的同学都对我很好。另一方面,我身体很好。Because of that,I like basketball better than before.You also can see,when I am angry,I will piay basketball,then,I may be happy. I like playing basketball,what is your favorite sport?正因为如此,我比以前更喜欢篮球。你也可以看到,当我生气的时候,我会打篮球,然后,我可能会快乐。我喜欢打篮球,你最喜欢的运动是什么?
I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our health.As for me,I like playing basketball. You know,piaying basketball is good for our heart,lungs,head and so on.I aiways piay basketball in the morning and in the evening.Of course,''where there is a will,there is a way'',Not only my teachers but also my classmates are all pleasant with me.On the other hand,I am in good health.Because of that,I like basketball better than before.You also can see,when I am angry,I will piay basketball,then,I may be happy. I like playing basketball,what is your favorite sport?

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