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Messiah (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Messiah (Album Version) 歌手:Mozella专辑:Mozellayour-sidemove out the way when i'm passing through.i got heads to the front and the back of you.i got the world in my hands you can have it, too.i got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.move out the way when i'm passing through.i got heads to the front and the back of you.i got the world in my hands you can have it, too.i got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.i'm the messiah, i'm anti-celebrity,i'm anti-war like john lennon in the seventies.dead celebs are moving, you're the's time to change the world's the blueprint.something smells like teen spirit,like the ghost of kurdt kobain wrote these lyrics,and forced america to listen,with a million angry misfits screaming "fuck the system!".i'm the pain in axle rose's diary.that's why you know the type of destruction that lives inside of me.i'm not your typical lyricist.acting gangster and selling out appearances.they need to take a musicology class,move out the way when i'm passing through.i got heads to the front and the back of you.i got the world in my hands you can have it, too.i got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.move out the way when i'm passing through.i got heads to the front and the back of you.i got the world in my hands you can have it, too.i got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.i'm the hands of michael jackson's plastic surgeon,so let the games either turn with the world, or you watch it spin.if your dreams were stolen by a liar,then steal them back, or your name is winona ryder.don't be afraid be stronger divide and conquer.come out swinging like ozfest concerts.time's up, i'm calling you to rise world combined with revolution.find the message hidden in these black sabbath records playing backwards.move out the way when i'm passing through.i got heads to the front and the back of you.i got the world in my hands you can have it, too.i got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.move out the way when i'm passing through.i got heads to the front and the back of you.i got the world in my hands you can have it, too.i got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.i've waited for this like it's a violent game.i'm in between grand theft auto and max payne.i'm the magic in the hands of david blaine.i spit so much blood i'll leave this microphone stained.along came a spider spinning webs of hated.welcome to the wonderful world of entertainment,where stars are born and celebrities tell lies.the revolution will now be televised.move out the way when i'm passing through.i got heads to the front and the back of you.i got the world in my hands you can have it, too.i got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.move out the way when i'm passing through.i got heads to the front and the back of you.i got the world in my hands you can have it, too.i got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.i got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
Messiah (Album Version) 歌词


Messiah 是弥赛亚的意思。在希伯来语中最初的意思是受膏者,指的是上帝所选中的人,相当于英文的“基督”。主耶稣基督就是救主弥赛亚。

messiah 译成中文

Messiah是弥赛亚, 1.是一个地名2.在传统的犹太人的历史里面,他们这个民族,遭受了很多的忧患,所以他们相信,经过多少年以后,某年某月某一天,他们这个民族里面,他们的国家里面,会出现一个救世主,会出现先知者,来带领他们脱离困境。所以弥赛亚精神,换句话说,就是几乎宿命性的,命定型的相信,我们这个民族里面,会在多少年以后,出现一个先知者,一个先行者,来带领我们脱离我们的困境. 大体上来说是这样两种解释,就叫弥赛亚。
专有名词:(犹太人盼望的复国救主)弥赛亚 救世主耶稣普通名词:救星,解放者 LZ指的是那款河蟹的游戏么?
messiah 译成中文


弥赛亚(天主教译作默西亚,英语:Messiah),是个圣经词语,与希腊语词基督是一个意思,在希伯来语中最初的意思是受膏者,指的是上帝所选中的人,具有特殊的权力,受膏者是"被委任担当特别职务的人"的意思,是一个头衔或者称号,并不是名字。另有很多艺术作品(清唱剧目、音乐专辑、动漫等)中亦有"弥赛亚"。 在圣经时代,君王和祭司有时以受膏的仪式接受委任,当其时有香油倒在当事人的头上。弥赛亚指神的受膏者,相当于英文的"基督"。犹太教用这个词来指出自大卫家的拯救者,由他带领以色列国恢复大卫统治时期的辉煌盛世。 新约圣经主张拿撒勒人耶稣(生于伯利恒)就是弥赛亚,因为耶稣的出现,应验了旧约圣经中的许多预言;而犹太教信徒则予以否认,并仍然期待他们心中的弥赛亚来临。



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